Risen Fansite
Horst Dworczak
Horst Dworczak

Published: 13.8.2008
Translated by: El Kamil
Source: worldofrisen.de

Copyright 2007/2008 Piranha Bytes

Horst Dworczak
Job at Piranha Bytes?
3D Charakter Artist and other things
Piranha Bytes
Previous jobs?
...take a guess ...Piranha Bytes
Co-operated on these games
Gothic 1, Gothic 2, Gothic 2 Addon, Gothic 3
Favourite music
Good music
Favourite game
There are too many great games to choose only one.
What is your strong point?
What gets you on nerves?
Getting up
What are your hobbies?
Sculpting, percussion, motorcycle, my dog, archery, going to cinema
What would you like to see in a game?
I've really tried to find an answer to this question, but my brain has brought no output.
Are you not afraid of losing your creative ideas?
I'm more afraid, that my ideas will never come true.
Všechna práva vyhrazena. Zákaz kopírování informací bez povolení autora!
© Kamil Krásný & Paulie 2007